Friday, January 05, 2007

In Memory of 2006

its 2007, folks.
can you believe it?
i can.

2006 was so jammed pack with life that if the new year hadn't come, I think 2006 would have exploded.

I remember standing in Downtown Disney with my wonderful friend Katie a little over a year ago, counting down the last minute of 2005. Tears came to my eyes when the clock struck midgnight, and I looked at Katie and said, "I'm going to miss 2005, it was possibly my best year so far. I don't know if 2006 will be able to match it."

I was so naive back then.
2006 trumped 2005.
Hands down.

But this year, I have learned my lesson:

I didn't shed a tear when 2006 walked away, because 2007 walked in.

This year is already off to a good start too. I got to praise God at midnight, I got to spend time with my good good good friend Jenna, and on new years day I got to drive home from san luis obispo down the 101, looking at a beautiful spotty-cloud dusk, and listening to Anathallo. That, my friends, was amazing.

happy new year and all that jazz.
I hope and pray that we all allow 2007 to be the best yet.


Lexie said...

helLO ELIZABETH!!! great to see you saturday. I'm adding your blog to my favorites list. luv, lexie

Aaron said...

2006 was pretty great in a whole bunch of ways. I'm glad that you were one of them.