Saturday, March 01, 2008

do you ever feel like you are in the wrong place?

that is how i feel at this very moment.

there are a couple ways to address this problem:

1) self pity party. i don't suggest this. it doesn't get you anywhere, except more upset.

2) go somewhere else. this could be a good idea, but make sure you first know why you are currently in the wrong place. you don't want to drag the problem with you.

3) pray. i do believe this is the best option, but its tough. you are still in the wrong place and you usually feel like you aren't going anywhere. but the more you pray, the more you trust, and the more you let go, the more you can see Him preparing a great place for you.


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel, at times we all wish things could be different, that maybe in another life time we would be happier.

Unknown said...

it always surprises me when prayer changes how i feel so much, too. i don't know why it's still surprising, but it is. miss you, beth!

by Orrin Winton said...

Hi beth, read your post with interest. Wanted to respond earlier but my PDA apparently doesn't have 100% html functionality, so i had to remember to read your posting at a real computer...

Check out my latest at

A couple months ago i discovered digi-scoping (eyepiece projection photography) and it's somewhat exciting... i can do telephotos with my little Canon point-and-shoot and a Nikon spotting scope i already had.

(Uncle) Orrin