Monday, May 07, 2007

Water for People

One of the things about my job that I am most grateful for is my introduction to the non-profit organization, Water for People.

I talk a little bit about the organization at the end of this post. There is a lot of wonderful things I can write about Water for People, but for your sake and mine I'll keep it short.

My top 3 favorite things about Water for People:

1) They have found that the best way to help a village is to empower the people to take care of themselves.

2) 82 to 85% of all funds go directly to the projects. That is an amazingly HUGE percentage. Some non-profits lose 80% in administration and have only 15 to 20% left for the projects.

3) They don't have a cookie-cutter solution. They go to the town, find out what they need, find out what they want, find out what they have, and then create a solution that will fit best. If the town just needs a bucket, then they give the people a bucket and help them plan financially for the next time they need a bucket. brilliant.

Carollo Engineers (the company I work for) supports Water for People by fundraising during the month of May. Carollo has several offices throughout the country that participate in this fundraiser. Because God knew I would love it, I somehow became the point fundraiser person for in the Pasadena office. Let me tell you, I had NO CLUE how much I love fundraising. We've made t-shirts, sold cookies, given presentations... and it has been a blast. We're even raising money! :)

And now to the point of this post.

We are having a Happy Hour in Pasadena to support Water for People. Spread the word.

The purpose of the happy hour is to raise awareness and to raise more funds. The party will be at Bar Celona, who has offered to donate 15% of the revenue from the happy hour to Water for People. There will be a raffle, where all gifts have been donated and all the money raised will go to Water for People. There will also be a mix of people, from college, engineering companies, the Pasadena Fire Department, random people I have met while fundraising, hopefully complete strangers that I didn't even invite...

So if you are in the area, or if you know someone in the area, or if you can get to the area, please join us at the happy hour! The more the marrier!

Here are the details:

Who? Carollo Engineers, Water for People, Bar Celona and you :)
What? Happy Hour!
Where? Bar Celona: 46 E. Colorado Blvd, Pasadena CA 91105.
When? Wednesday, May 23rd, 5 - 7 pm
Why? To help Water for People get water to the people.
How? 15% of your purchases at Bar Celona will go to Water for People.

Please let me know if you can go, and please invite your friends! My hope for this event is that people will become more aware of the water crisis around the world and of the ways that Water for People is working to counter the problems, that we will raise money for the organization, and that we can meet other people in the area that are supporting the cause.

If you have any questions, please post them and I'll see what I can do to answer them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay Water! Yay People! Yay to giving water to people!