Wednesday, August 01, 2007

If I could do anything in the world...

I would fix it.

I would ensure that everyone in the world had physical and spiritual water.

I would play the guitar and the saxophone every day.

I would create a transitional housing program, offering job training, networking, counseling, and Jesus.

I would swing dance and salsa every week.

I would help create higher efficiency, integrity and integration within and between nonprofit organizations (especially within water resource organizations).

I would live on a boat for at least a summer.

I would live in Africa.

I would go on a retreat by myself for a week.

If I could do anything, I would be involved in a movement where living simply, sharing resources, and loving even strangers would be “cool.” Not the celebrity “cool,” but the God-fearing, Jesus-loving, fall-on-your-knees-and-give-with-humility-because-you-
don’t-need-anything-but-the-Father’s-shalom, grace-and-love kind of “cool.”

I would open and run a coffee shop.

I would finally fix my skateboard...

I would surf every morning.

I would travel to all the nations, meet all the tribes, experience all the cultures, and learn all the languages (or at least Spanish, French, and German).

What would you do?


Lexie said...

why don't you live in Africa?

love, lexie

Beth Ann said...

Don't worry. I will. :)

Anonymous said...

I would like to bake things to sell in your coffee shop and work there too, and I would like to swing dance every day with you, okay? And can the profits from the coffee shop go to support people who need them, and can we maybe be part of the same movement of seeking Jesus?
Okay, sounds good.