Thursday, April 05, 2007

An empire full of thirsty people

Today I met a man who is trying to create an empire.

He doesn't really care how it happens. He just wants his empire and his crown. If you catch him doing something helpful for a neighbor, he will say, "Don't think that this helpful act is a 'good samaritan thing', I just have to help them in order to help me."

Guess how he is making his little empire. Guess what he is using to gain his power, his authority, and his empire. Money? No. Fame? No way. Good looks? haha, you must be joking. Water? Yes.

And why is water the key to his kingdom? Well like he said to me today, "Money is water and water is money." The more water he can get for his people, the more people that can come, the more money they can create, and thus the fruition of an empire. This plan makes perfect sense.
extra water = room for more people. people = work force. work force = more money. money = empire.

Under normal circumstances, there could very well be no harm in such a plan.

But there is. There are neighboring cities, neighboring empires - other people that need the water that is coming from the ground below them. So this man has to prove that he isn't draining the supply. He has to prove that he can take as much as he wants because there's enough for him and then still more for his neighbors. And he seems to be proving this by throwing around some numbers and test results and calling it good.

There is a man, let's call him Joe, who looks for water supplies from far away lands that he can bring to the local kingdoms. Joe is a good guy. Joe is trying to give all the people water. He doesn't want anyone to die of thirst. Joe thinks (and I have to say that I agree with Joe) that our empire hunter has bad numbers and no proof of this supposed "vast supply of water." Joe needs money to buy water from other places.

But money is expensive, so Mr. I-Want-To-Be-King has decided to keep Joe poor. He would like to buy Joe out, but he can't, so he is keeping Joe poor. He claims there is enough water and that Joe doesn't need any money.

It gets worse.

Empire Man knows deep down that the water will run out, so he is building wells that go deep down - 500 feet deeper than the wells of neighboring cities. This extra 500 ft will allow him to pump water even when his neighbors can no longer reach it. He will be able to pump the ground dry until there is nothing left, long after his rival kingdoms are dry.

And there you have it.

This hopeful king is promising a very attractive place with large, affordable homes, beautiful, well-watered parks, and a life with no parched lips. But he is running the land dry, draining its resources, and creating an empire full of thirsty people.

I think I met the devil today - promising life, but causing death, all because of his desire for a throne.

I just hope Joe wins.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

That was powerful.