Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Dear Dr. Dobson,

Do you want to focus on families?

Let us focus on them for a moment. Let us think about your children, your grandchildren, their children and grandchildren. Let us think about the world in which they will live in fifty and one-hundred years. Let us think about the world we are giving to your family, the world we are forcing your great-grandchildren to inherit.

Let us think about the families in New Orleans, Haiti, France in 2003, families experiencing floods, families experiencing drought, families living on the coast, families living in the desert. Let's take a minute to focus on them.


Should we do something about it? Should we care for these families? Should we consider their circumstances? Should we help them? Should we care about the world that we are destroying? The impact that our current actions could have on the environment that our future family will live in?

YES we should care.
And as a Christian I should be ANGRY about the way I, the church, and humanity have been completely irresponsible with the world we have been given. We have been poor stewards with the life God entrusted to us.

Dr. Dobson, I want you to know that I agree with this letter.
Maybe you should read this article.
Maybe you should focus on those families.
Maybe you should focus on all the families that are being affected by our inability to care about this world.

Well dang shoot, I think ALL the families are affected by this.
Hmmm, that's a problem, don't you think?

(and yes, I did just post two blogs in one day!)

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Let him have it sister. I got your message and I am investigating.